December 24, 2011

Holiday Monster

It’s happening.  You can feel it.  You’re still dipping into the mall for that last something before you head home to the nog and cake, but there’s a humming in your veins that is definitely distracting.  There!  That woman feels it too! She’s stopped in the street and is smiling serenely at the world.  As you stop yourself to take in the charge in the air, you helplessly think, “Shouldn’t this be over?  Aren’t we adults now?” But it's never over. The goodness floating through the world today ignores your puzzlement as it spreads to every heart.

Holiday Monster is here.  She’s floating on the breeze, falling with the snow, settling on every window pane.  She’s in your house, spreading excitement on every gift being wrapped, every treat being prepared, and every holiday plan being laid.  She's chuckling at your grandmother’s use of hip-hop slang when talking to the dogs and giggling at your cousin’s attempt to use his Sneak-O-Scope to see what presents are being wrapped. 

You can’t see Holiday Monster.  She's invisible to humans, and barely visible to monsters.  But you can feel her.  You can feel her in the reluctance of children to go to bed and the visions of sugar-plums dancing in their heads once they do.  You can feel her in the way you wake up in the morning, like today is the first day of the rest of your life and you absolutely cannot wait to greet it.  You can feel her in the face of naked joy that every child wears and the barely restrained joy that all of the adults are modeling.  She’s there in the presents each of your family members hold for just a moment, savoring the surprise, before they open them. 

When a cough comes from behind her, she turns and smiles a welcome to the friends and relatives lost to us over the years.  They’re here today, too, just as excited about the festivities as we are.  And so, it seems, are the monsters.  First one, then another trickles into view outside the window. This is what they’ve been working all season, and they couldn’t be happier that the time is here.  They gaze at the brightness that is Holiday Monster, barely able to see past the joy she shines into their eyes. 

And when the time is through, and the gift givers and receivers are sleeping peacefully, they embrace and laugh one last time.  One by one, they make their way back to their homes and climb into bed themselves.  With one last goodnight they give in to sleep and dreams, dreams they will dream for days and nights and even more days, until the right one comes along.  On that day when we need them again, they’ll be here, waiting for us.

PS: Happy Holidays Everyone! 

Lucas and I are incredibly grateful you came on this adventure with us.  We hope your holidays are everything you could possibly wish for, and we can’t wait to see you on the other side of the new year!  And don’t think for even a second that the adventure is over - Stay tuned next week and you’re sure to find something fun to whet your appetite for new adventures ; )